Category Archives: Real Estate Financing

Things You Want to Avoid When Applying for a Home Loan
At some point in your life, you’ll think about getting a home for yourself. It could happen when you’ve got a family of your own, or when you just want to strike out from family and start living alone. Some

Sale With Assumption of Mortgage: How Does It Really Work?
One of the less common way to sell a property is through a Sale with Assumption of Mortgage. And because it is not the usual way of selling real estate, many people are not familiar with it. We even see

The Taxes Involved in a Sale of Real Estate Property
It has been said that one can only be sure about two things in this life – death and taxes. But we’re gonna have to talk about first one some other time. In this post, we’ll be talking about taxes.

US and Eurozone Economic Turmoil: Where does all the money go?
Since 2008, we have heard the news about the US economy being in bad shape. Some of the effects of this economic instability are corporations filing bankruptcy, increased unemployment and the burst of the housing bubble. Recently, US announced a

Bank Loans for Real Estate Purchase: Overview Of The Essentials
Life had been exceptionally different ever since modern technology arised. Living turned out to be less complicated and with various technological innovations, everything became reachable. However, the emergence of technology gave rise to a fast-paced standard of living which pressures