Category Archives: Real Estate Documentation

Can Real Estate Be Sold Using Only a Photocopy of the Certificate of Title?
Technically, no. But practically, possibly yes. You cannot complete the transfer of ownership of a property via sale, using only a photocopy of the Certificate of Title. But unfortunately, that doesn’t stop unscrupulous scammers. They still try to sell real

How to Transfer Real Estate Titles in the Philippines (From a Sale)
Too often, when there’s a problem with the documents of a piece of land, it can be traced back to an improper transfer of ownership. And this simple mistake is the root cause of very long court proceedings in a

Contract “to Sell” vs. Contract “of Sale”
How is a “Contract to Sell” different from a “Contract of Sale”? Such a small variation in the words, but such a huge difference in meaning and effect. To the sharp observer, the difference is easy to see. But to

Where to Verify Authenticity of Property Titles
To avoid scams and fraudulent transactions, an important step to take in real estate transactions is to check property titles and verify their authenticity. As a follow up to our previous post on how to spot a fake title in

How to Check Land Titles in the Philippines and Spot Fake Ones in 30 Seconds
Despite all the regulations put in place to fight scammers and con men in the Philippine real estate industry, there are still a lot of cases being reported where unsuspecting victims fall for fake land titles. For example, just recently